1 October, 2019

Show Your Support - In Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Promote Breast Cancer Awareness

Show your support by spreading the message that early detection is the key to better outcomes! Color the page and post it to your social media using the hashtag #EarlyDetectionisKey or download our Facebook profile frame to spread the word.



Screening tests, such as mammograms, are used to find breast cancer before it causes any warning signs or symptoms. Screening tests can find breast cancer early, when the chances of survival are the highest.

5 Facts About Mammograms


It Has Only Been Within the Last 70 Years

It Has Only Been Within the Last 70 Years

Before 1949 breasts were just x-rayed as you would a wrist or a leg - the first breast compression technique was developed by a Radiologist in Uruguay and ushered in the modern mammogram. These early mammograms left a lot to be desired as they were low definition images on film. Over the years there have been many advancements from high definition film to digital to now 3D Mammograms. Learn more about the benefits of 3D Mammography.


What is the Real Difference Between 2D and 3D Mammograms?

What is the Real Difference Between 2D and 3D Mammograms?

While 2D Mammograms are technically akin to x-rays, 3D Mammograms are more like a CAT scan because the imaging is aided by a computer that compiles multiple images of smaller areas of breast tissue. A 2D Mammogram compresses the breast and offers the Radiologist one image that displays all the breast tissue at the same time. 3D Mammograms offer multiple images that allows the Radiologists to look at the breast tissue a little at a time which helps enormously when trying to detect small cancers. 


Why Can't I Wear Deodorant on the Day of My Mammogram?

Why Can't I Wear Deodorant on the Day of My Mammogram?

The metallic particles in some powders, lotions and deodorants could be visible on your mammogram and cause confusion. That is why we kindly ask that you not apply it before your scan. Learn more about how to prepare for a mammogram.


366 Days

366 Days

Most insurance companies will cover the cost of your screening mammogram if it has been a year and a day since your last one (and for some insurances that amount of time can be even shorter!) That’s 527,040 minutes, but who’s counting? We are! Keep an eye out for your reminder letter when it is time to schedule your next mammogram.


Remember Mammograms on Film?

Remember Mammograms on Film?

Since about 2011, the days of holding a film mammogram up to a light-box were pretty much behind us. The switch to digital mammography changed your deliverable from a delicate film in a giant envelope to a CD in a sleeve. These days if you have had a 3D mammogram you are leaving with a DVD! The average 3D mammogram creates a file that is between 450MB and 3GB! That’s a whole lot of data!


1 October, 2019