18 May, 2022

You Could be a Candidate!

Did you know that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) along with most private insurances have expanded their guidelines for those eligible for a Low-Dose CT (LDCT) Lung Cancer Screening? Those who were unable to be screened due to the restrictions of the previous criteria will now be helped the most and could be candidates for our LDCT Lung Cancer Screening Program. 

Do you meet ALL of the following criteria? 
-50 to 80 years old Updated 
-20 pack year Updated
-No signs or symptoms of lung cancer 
-Currently smoke or have quit smoking in the past 15 years 

If you fit all of the above criteria, please consult your medical provider about making annual LDCT Lung Cancer Screenings part of your preventative care. Annual screening means early detection which leads to better outcomes. 

18 May, 2022