
Watch to learn how Artificial Intelligence can help your patients.

Discover how Artificial Intelligence screening software can improve radiologist performance, for both generalists and specialists. Sensitivity and specificity improvements help radiologists find cancers early and more accurately. Case studies demostrate the real-world applicability of AI in reading mammograms. Experts will discuss the best practices for educating patients on these advanced technologies, including ways to overcome bias and misinformation.

Greg Sorensen, MD

Greg Sorensen, MD

Former Neuroradiologist, and Professor at Harvard Medical School

Jacqueline Holt, MD, FACR

Jacqueline Holt, MD, FACR

Medical Director of Women’s Health, Delaware Imaging Network

Renée Quarterman, MD, FACS

Renée Quarterman, MD, FACS

Medical Director, Delaware Breast Care

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